Monthly Archives: november 2009

Short Film Friday #7 – Say Marimo and Nothing Else Matters

Today I have two great shorts for you.

The first is by a Japanese filmmaker, Naotomo Umewaka, we met in Hannover. He sent me some of his films and this one, called Nothing Else Matters, is a haunting documentary short about lost dreams and the hardships of everyday life.

The second is a film called Say, Marimo and it’s from a Japanese short film collection called Inu no Eiga, where a group of Japanese filmmakers explores the relationship between human beings and their dogs. This one might be a bit over the top for some, but if you’ve ever had a dog you might be able to relate to it. So touching.

Up-and-Coming Film Festival in Hannover

We were lucky enough to be invited to the Up-and-coming Film Festival in Hannover, Germany, last weekend, so we decided to take the trip. Nemesis screened in the international competition.

Foto: Espen Hobbesland

We met a lot of talented and interesting people down there (no Jude Law though), and basically had a really good time. There’s a lot of creativity out there, and I think some of these guys might produce some really magnificent work in the future.

Since we were traveling to Germany we of course decided to grow moustaches (As the picture shows, I should have brought a black marker)

Oh, and German beer is great!

You can see more photos at Espens Flickr account.

YouTube HD – 1080p

Youtube has finally enabled HD 1080p uploads. Read more about it at the YouTube blog.

I’ve made the mistake of fitting a video to the youtube player before, so when I uploaded Nemesis and Small Penis I used a 1080p file just in case it would ever be an option. With the new format YouTube has re-coded these videos, and they are now available in 1080p. In the bottom right corner, where it says HD, you can choose between 720p and 1080p.

With this upgrade YouTube is turning into a an even better screening area for short films.



Rejected Saw Trap #2 og ein Twist-ending ute av kontroll

Er vi eigentleg for gamle til å surre rundt med lause parykker og dårlege aksenter, medan vi prøver å etterligne amerikanske filmar?

Ja det er vi nok.

Men er det kjekt?

Ja du verda!

Takk til Tore Urke og Gjartrud Kolås for herlig skodespel!

Videoane i Saw-serien vår har sålangt fått gode seertall, med like over 100 000 treff totalt. Då vi begynte å produsere igjen i haust, satte vi oss som mål å få 40 000 treff i snitt på alt vi legger ut. Dette er kanskje for ambisiøst, men det skal ikkje vere heilt uoppnåeleg. Om vi klarer det vil tida vise.

Mål nummer 2 på planen var å prøve å auke produksjonen til 1 video i veka. Dette har vi foreløpig lagt litt på is, sidan dei videoane som får mange treff, som regel også er dei som tar lang tid å lage. Men om vi får skinnelagt produksjonen litt meir på nyåret så trur eg vi kan klare det.

For tida held vi på med oppfølgjarane til Harry Potter and the Outcasts of Hogwarts, men på grunn av eksamen og andre jobbar blir dei nok ikkje klare før i byrjinga av desember ein gong.